Serial killers have the intellectual capacity to understand that society deems their behavior to be deviant.

It does not gain momentum until later in life, which might explain why most serial killers tend to be under 50 years of age. Children have slower brain wave activity which speeds up as they age, however, the psychopathic brain wave activity does not progress at a normally anticipated rate. As many as 38% of psychopaths have abnormal brain wave patterns as revealed through EEG. Studies conducted on the brains of serial killers show that genetic abnormalities often also exist. In some cases, the serial killing tendencies may have been instilled following the death of a beloved parent or role model, by the lack of love and parental nurturing even when the parent is present, or by an inconsistent and confusing application of discipline. While some serial killers may have been driven into unconscionable acts by environmental influences from their own childhoods, that does not explain the actions of others, who grew up in loving homes and were well-educated with intact social networks.Įnvironmental influences may include having been subjected to severe abuse by one or both parents or by other persons whom they were meant to trust, however, this need not always be the case. This ability to live a seemingly normal life may suggest that there is more at play than the standard notion of mental illness. They typically hold jobs, often have families, and occasionally occupy positions of standing within their communities.

Serial killers however, are often able to blend into their surroundings with seamless normality. Mental illness tends to cloud judgment and impair one’s ability to function normally in the world around them. When one thinks of mental illness, they tend to think of schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder and delusional thinking. There has been much speculation about the variations in brains of serial killers that might account for their detached sensibilities and propensity toward violence. While it is hard to fathom some of the cruelties that human beings are capable of inflicting on one another, there are few tales that both intrigue and repulse quite like those of famous serial killers.
Unsolved serial killers strangest in history full#
History is full of hair-raising tales of some of the most gruesome crimes one can imagine.